Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 281 in total

Kettlebell Classes and Other Concerns

"I have become flooded with Facebook messages, at all hours of the day and night, with my friend pouring her life out. What do I do?" is our first question. And our se...

Jorts Season, Baby

We're stoked on spring time and excited to bring you an episode about little bebes. Sometimes you want to hang out with your friend's kids and sometimes you don't. Her...

Pee Your Pants and Run Away

What do you do when an almost-friend becomes suddenly distant and uninterested? That's our first question. We're here to tell you that it's OK to feel a little bummed....

Live at C2E2 2019

A live episode! We swear we're getting better at these. First we consider what we've learned over the years, and then take some questions from listeners, including, "...

Wearing Capes For Personal Reasons

Small talk gets a bad rep. People think it's boring and awkward. But! It's actually an important tool! This week, we hear from listeners who want to improve their acti...

Walk Around Like A Happy Rooster

This week, our listeners just need a little nudge in the right direction. Our first asker wants to know how to make friends online. Luckily, we are very online! Our se...

You're My Best Friend, But I'm Not Yours

This week we tackle something pretty common in adult friendships - you feel that you have a best friend, but you're not THEIR best friend in return. Not as depressing ...

You're Not The One

You can't solve every problem for your friends. You simply can't fix everything. In this episode, we give you permission to go easier on yourself. Important content wa...

When It's Time to Quit Swimming

"My friend puts herself down constantly. She's always insulting herself, and it bums me out. How can I talk to her about this?" This episode is about self-esteem, som...

Help, I'm Friends With A Creep

A concerned and confused 21-year-old wrote in and asked, "I have a friend who is older, and he makes a woman in our group feel uncomfortable often. How do I handle th...

The New Rude

We already know that the rudest thing you can do online is email someone's wife. So here's an episode about the other kinds of modern etiquette: keeping your headphone...

The Swamp Queens Cometh

A listener asks how to become a functioning social adult after working from home full-time. Try keeping slippers at your desk! Then we hear from somebody who's being h...

Let's Get Real

How do you wind down a friendship? If your friends get divorced, must you choose between them? As a new mom, how can I tell my friends who don't have kids that I can't...

The Soft Block

Should I de-friend my ex on Facebook? How do I handle an intense Twitter crush? We attempt to answer these questions before debuting our new podcast, The Jeff Probst F...

God Bless Nancy

What are you supposed to do when someone you barely know surprises you with a gift? What if the gift is a terrible painting? No, wait: what if it's a terrible painting...

That's Gonna Be No From Us

So, how was your holiday? Awesome? Terrible? Let's listen to someone else's problems for awhile. Our first question reads, "I came between a friend's marriage. Therap...


Befriending your colleagues can be tricky. Especially if your colleagues happen to find your Twitter account. This episode is about Personal Twitter, Work Twitter, and...

A Hot Meal and A Warm Bath

Jenn has a cold, Trin wants a haircut, and we both have advice for a new listener who is lonely and has frankly been through some tough shit. This episode is about ma...

Where's My Pwesent?

We're back! We're back! Did you miss us? Did you miss the crap out of us? Here's an episode about exchanging gifts with friends and co-workers. One listener wants to k...

AMA - Ask Muss Anything

All about us! Us! You asked and we answered. Who's more inspiring, Odo or Nog? What's the worst advice we've ever given? And what about gymnastics?

We'll Complain For You

“My boyfriend is close friends with a sexist ass. I’m trying to be civil. How do I proceed here?” Well we have some ideas! We would not call our ideas particularly civ...

Let's Get Mystical About This Shiz

Our first question asks, "I made a close friend online months ago. But my partner has no idea. It's been going on for months. How can I clue my partner in without feel...

Gender is Weird in Los Angeles

In this very special episode, we consider how you can best support your non-binary friends. Discussion of pronouns, gender spectrums, and why we let boys run into the ...

Drop a Smoke Bomb and Run

This week's theme is all about confrontation! Bringing up the thing that's bothering you! Our starting question: "My best friend has been in a long-distance relationsh...

You have Great Hair, Your Personality Sucks, I Love Your Shoes

It's time for a group activity. The first asker is going on a road trip with old friends and we're fully clenched on her behalf. The second asker's roommate is now dat...

Friends Push Each Other on Swing Sets

A concerned listener asks, "My partner is smoking a lot. More than she has before. How do I approach this with her?" In response, Jenn and Trin put their heads togeth...

Satan is Coming to Get Ya

This episode is all about BOUNDARIES! How do you quietly back out of a friendship with someone who is asking time you don't have? How do I manage friendship with a so...

XOXO 2018

Live from XOXO Portland! Failed jokes, crowd work, pesky microphone habits--this episode has everything you never asked for. We also managed to give some advice on awk...

Meatballs All The Way Down

Did you know that your friend recites sonnets in their sleep? Or that they take 28 minutes to make a bowel movement? Or that they get hangry when you failed to give t...

The Return of Toby Diaperman

How do I get my friend to stop selling me stuff? What are the best ways to support my pal's comic book shop? Can I spar with my co-worker over Girl Scout cookies? Ple...

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