Pee Your Pants and Run Away

What do you do when an almost-friend becomes suddenly distant and uninterested? That's our first question. We're here to tell you that it's OK to feel a little bummed. Our second question, now, got us all frazzled and excited: How can I get my friend to stop taking MORTAL RISKS WITH HER LIFE? Check the content warnings for this one: Erections, war, discussion of violence. Geez.
What do you do when an almost-friend becomes suddenly distant and uninterested? That's our first question. We're here to tell you that it's OK to feel a little bummed. Our second question, now, got us all frazzled and excited: How can I get my friend to stop taking MORTAL RISKS WITH HER LIFE? Check the content warnings for this one: Erections, war, discussion of violence. Geez.

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