Displaying 271 - 281 of 281 in total
Sexiled - Part I
My friend is dating someone who is racist/sexist/terrible/annoying. When is it time to intervene? Part I of II.
Friendshipping with Benefits
What if I have crushes on all my friends? Do I have to be friends with my ex? And other sexy questions.
Ghosts of Friendships Past
Seeing old friends will make you feel weird and that's okay.
Friendshipping: Clicking with Family
Aubrey & Angela of the Doubleclicks guest-host to answer sibling-related questions.
The best friend episode! How can I be a best friend when I live far away? How can I advance a friendship to BFF-status? Wait, what the hell IS a best friend, anyway?
Am I a bad friend?
I mean, maybe. You might be a bad friend. That's certainly a possibility.
Jenn & Trin: Origins
We rapid-fire-answer a bunch of questions, including, "is it okay to listen to this podcast if I'm a dude?" and "how did you two meet, anyway?"
Meeting Internet Friends
Meeting an Internet friend for the first time will probably be awkward. Here are some tips for taking your friendship into offline mode.
I'm an Abbi and I need an Ilana.
What if you feel like you've already met all of the women you could ever be friends with?
Dare to Self-Care
How do you balance being a good friend and being good to yourself?
Her success is not your failure, and there’s room at the top for all of us. So move over, fuckers.
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