IRONFORGE, Long Has it Been

We're Jenn and Trin and we're here to say: you do not have to be nice and giving tuh-day. You don't have to do crappy favors for friends all the time. And you don't have to forgive people who wrong ya. In this episode, we answer: "I don't want to write a letter of rec for my friend, do I have to?" and "My friend neglected my pet while he was catsitting!" Ohhhh, let us at 'em. (PSST: Listen after the credits for a blooper.)
We're Jenn and Trin and we're here to say: you do not have to be nice and giving tuh-day. You don't have to do crappy favors for friends all the time. And you don't have to forgive people who wrong ya. In this episode, we answer: "I don't want to write a letter of rec for my friend, do I have to?" and "My friend neglected my pet while he was catsitting!" Ohhhh, let us at 'em. (PSST: Listen after the credits for a blooper.)

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